LSPIRG’s Response to COVID19

  • LSPIRG established a COVID-19 Emergency Fund for students in financial need (our in-person programming budget, as well as other sections of funds, were dedicated to this) - CURRENTLY CLOSED

  • LSPIRG has increased funding opportunities for students and community members who are leading Mutual Aid initiatives in response to COVID19

  • LSPIRG continues to fund Research and Action Groups who are doing ongoing work (e.g. Food Not Bombs distributes free weekly meals, which are now in higher demand)

  • LSPIRG continues to provide workshops and events around Social and Environmental Justice 

  • LSPIRG continues to provide support for students (online)

  • LSPIRG continues to provide volunteer opportunities both online and physically distanced in person (advocacy, community gardening, board of directors etc.)

More information below

LSPIRG COVID-19 Emergency Response

Shortly after camps closed due to COVID19, the LSPIRG team started talking about how we could support students and community members. We launched a One-Time funding request period specifically for COVID related organizing and/or Wet’suwet’en solidarity work (all the projects listed below). We also decided to take the remainder of our programming budget and provide folks with $50 gift cards that could go towards much needed food and other necessities.

In September of 2020, we ran a second One-Time funding period focusing on COVID related organizing and/or supporting Indigenous land defence movements. Particularly in Six Nations and KW area. We also took our 2020-2021 programming budget (along with some other areas of our budget) and provided a Student Support Grant for current Laurier students. We distributed $40,000 in total ($100 per student) in grants.

As we move forward, we will continue to find ways to support students and communities members during this time to the best of our capacity. We will continue to update our resource lists, provide One-Time funding opportunities and engaging in food distribution.

One-Time Funding

LSPIRG hosts a One-Time Funding Request period at the beginning of every semester, where we provide students and community members with one-time funding of up to $500 for projects, campaigns or actions they are working on. Our summer funding period usually begins on May 1st, but due to COVID19, we decided to move the funding period up to April. We also stated that we would specifically be funding projects that were related to COVID-19 organizing and Wet’suwet’en solidarity work.

The projects funded in the Brantford / Six Nations area included:

1) Food and Protective Equipment Distribution for Brantford area
2) Kahnonstaton (The Protected Place): A community garden and self-sustaining food system for the community to both continue the solidarity action with Wet'suwet'en people and feed the people of Six Nations.

The projects funded in the Waterloo area included:

1) A handwashing station for a community of unsheltered folks
2) Personal Protective Equipment for community gardeners
3) Extra food supplies and gloves for Food Not Bombs
4) A soil and seeds distribution initiative for folks in need who want to grow their own food
5) A postcard project to combat isolation and support women of colour

We are so honoured and excited to support these projects. Stay tuned to our social media for more information about mutual aid and solidarity work happening!