Distro Staff Directory - The Distro Team includes many volunteers, community members, partners and staff! Here are our staff members and how they can assist you.

Angela (she/her or he/him), Volunteer Engagement and Programming Director at LSPIRG Brantford

Please reach out to Angela for all inquiries related to Brantford Distro.

Email: BrantfordPrograms@lspirg.org

Karly (she/her), Volunteer and Community Engagement Director at LSPIRG Waterloo

Please reach out to Karly if you:

  • Would like to volunteer at Distro in Waterloo

  • Have accommodation requests or questions about accessing Distro

Email: karly@lspirg.org

Tavia Weber (she/her), Distro Program Development and Partnerships Coordinator at Luther

Please reach out to Tavia for:

  • Discussing the possibility of your department, business or organization partnering, sponsoring or donating to Distro

  • Questions related to what we can offer donors (e.g. charitable tax receipts, recognition)

  • Feedback on how to improve our program

  • Inquiries related to promotion

Email: tweber@luther.wlu.ca