WELCOME to the LSPIRG Community

Laurier Students' Public Interest Research Group (LSPIRG) is a registered non-profit organization that helps to develop advocacy tools and avenues for action. Our vision is to act as a reliable support in building and sustaining movements that tear down systems of violence and replace them with equitable and just communities. We stand for anti-oppression, community care and activism. Learn more about who we are and what we believe in by clicking here.

We host events and run initiatives focused on the social and environmental issues our members care about, fund independent and community-oriented action groups and research projects through CCRLA (The Centre for Community Research Learning and Action), provide members with volunteer and Board of Directors experience as well as offering many other different opportunities. LSPIRG is funded through a student-levy and community membership dues, paid automatically by students and voluntarily by all other community members. While we are situated on Laurierโ€™s campus we are independent of and operate fully autonomously from the University and are not a post-secondary or educational institute or association. As an independent non-profit organization we are uniquely able to serve both students and community members.

Non-profit volunteer opportunities, programming and events, access to radical library, funding opportunities, space for meetings/hangouts, free tech equipment rental, tools for community building and more!

LSPIRG has been operating on the Waterloo campus since 2005 and opened our Brantford office in 2016.

Questions for us? Reach out! info@lspirg.org